SailOTP - A Native SailfishOS TOTP Generator


SailOTP is a Sailfish Implementation of the Google-Authenticator algorithms, also known as TOPT (timer based) and HOTP (counter based) as described in RFC 6238 and 4226. A growing number of sites uses this algorithm for two-factor-authentication, including Github, Linode and several Google services. It can also generate codes for Steams variant of the two-factor-authentication (SteamGuard).


  • Generate tokens according to TOTP and HTOP
  • Generate SteamGuard tokens
  • Add tokens by scanning QR-Code
  • Add tokens manually
  • Set time derivation and token Length
  • Show QR-Code for saved tokens (e.g. for Transfer to other Device)
  • Export/Import token database to/from an aes-encrypted file
  • Show a token on the ActiveCover, cycle through tokens on the Cover
  • Translated to English, French, Swedish and German


Active CoverMain ViewList OptionsAdd TokenExport Tokens


The current version of SailOTP can be downloaded from the Jolla Store or from OpenRepos

License and Source Code

SailOTP is Open Source Software and distributed under a 3-Clause BSD License

The Source Code is available on my Git Repo and on GitHub

Help / Manual

Online Help / Manual can be found at this page

Bug Reports and Contact

You can report bugs or feature requests via the Github Issue Tracker or via mail to

sailfish/apps/sailotp/start.txt · Last modified: 27.11.2016 16:40 by Seiichiro
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